Halverson Wood Products, Inc., Glen Halverson
I designed and patented a skid steer firewood processor. I leased it to Hahn Machinery out of Two Harbors, but I decided to come up with my own as they weren’t capturing the whole market. I started building right at my house. I made an office and parts room hired a guy to do the metal work and assembled there. I worked out of my place for about one year, then bought in town. After another year I bought more property across the road, and now we are expanding with another new building. We went from 0 to 5 million in sales in five years.
My goal was to bring the processor to the homeowner, as Hahn Machine wasn’t capturing the whole market. Now, Halverson Wood Products is the leading-selling firewood processor that both cuts and splits.
I have a patent on the machine. It's a one-machine, one-man operation. Competitors are stationary machines that are very expensive.
High point: I marvel at where my business is today; and how far I have come. Low point: COVID – I shut down immediately; I had to lay my President off, then many of my workers who were my friends.
I was a year into the business and ran into some obstacles. I was advised by a local business to reach out to Dick Jordan with SCORE. I have worked with Dick and other mentors that Dick has found ever since then.
I would not be in business today without SCORE (and Dick’s help). I had very little business knowledge when I started. Dick’s moral support has been a Godsend to me. Dick will go out and find the SME’s within the SCORE mentor network. Dick has so much passion for what he does. I can even go to Dick’s wife, who is also a SCORE mentor, for a woman’s perspective if I need it.
Pictured below: Halverson 140B Firewood Processor